ASEBP created a defined Life-Sustaining over-the-counter exceptions list for urgently needed, life-sustaining situations because we are required to limit coverage to medically exempt tax benefits. These categories include injectable epinephrine, insulin, injectable glucagon kits, nitroglycerin rescue treatments and potassium supplements.
Enhanced Plan: 100%
Core Plan:
Retirement on your mind? Let us help you understand and plan for your retirement between April 15 - 26, at 4 p.m. (MDT).
We’ll cover everything from finances, pension, coverage for seniors, and transitioning into your retirement journey.
Join live to ask your retirement questions.
Join us November 9, 2023, from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. (MST), for a virtual Retirement Seminar (hosted by ASEBP). Guest speakers will share valuable information about pensions (LAPP and ATRF), nurturing your mental health and wellbeing during retirement, retirement financial planning, Alberta's Coverage for Seniors benefits, optional trip interruption and cancellation insurance, and ASEBP's MyRetiree Plan: An Overview.